This is the monthly reading done based on the collective energy of those signed up for the Elements of Mastery Newsletter. To be included in the group energy reading you can sign up here:
***Please excuse any typos :)***
Q: What is most beneficial for this collective group to be aware of for the month of December 2014?
A: I used several decks for this reading and used no fixed positions. The first clear message is:
Structure and Order are a big part of life here on planet Earth.. Within that Structure is room for Ease, Flow and Grace but the container is important to the Flow...keep the container itself pliable so it can expand but strong enough for it to provide structure.
The first card is The Sisters of the Seasons from Colette Baron-Reid's Wisdom from the Hidden Realms deck.
We see a tree with a woman fairy sitting on a branch playing a flute and three beautiful women listening in awe and reverence. The keywords are Cycles of Growth, Natural Law and Divine Order.
Being connected with our Divine Self is essential this month. Typically this is a time of year to be focused outward with all the "things" that need to get done for those that celebrate the Holidays.
For those that have more of a low key time this month..keep in mind that if you are an empath that you may be affected by the overstimulated energy of the collective.
There is lots to do for many, a time of being with extended family and friends, presents to buy, food to purchase and prepare, travel plans to be made either for yourself or as you help your children get back home for the Holiday and for the sacred ceremonies of the different religions and spiritual practices.
It is important to remember to take time in the morning and throughout the day to connect with your Heart and Soul ~ with your Divine Self.
The next two cards are from the deck I co-created with 38 amazing women from around the world, Awakening to your Divine Self Oracle Deck.
We see the cards Restore and Cracking Open. These correlate with the Sisters of the Seasons and confirm that there is a cycle of growth here for you. Take the time to balance your Body, Mind and Spirit as much as you can ~ because from this place of centerdness and balance you are more prepared to "Crack Open" and expand your Consciousness. At this time your heart chakra and throat chakra are expanding. You are doing some releasing in these two chakras specifically.
Now would be a GREAT time to incorporate simple Yoga into your life. If you are an avid Yoga sure to not let your practice slide during this month. If you have practiced Yoga in the past and have not for awhile...consider adding it back into your daily practice. If daily is too overwhelming consider 3 times a week.
Know that you are fully supported by your Angels and Guides during this month. Well...always actually but they want you to remember to call on them and you are never alone especially during this month.
There may be tears this month but know that the courage and willingness to take good care of yourself is of the utmost importance. If you need to "go to your room" and have some alone it. That is your Soul calling you to connect with your Sacred Self and remember...Only Love is real (from a Course In Miracles.)
A major clue that you need to take a time out is if you are having a hard time making a decision. Use this as your Connection Meter. If you can't make a decision know you are being called to connect with your Divine Self and fill yourself up with that Life Force Energy and listen for the message your Inner Wisdom is whispering to you.
The Universe is offering you the gift of Grace this month. All you need to do is open to receive :)
To go one step further...Breathe the energy of Grace into your Heart Chakra and Throat Chakra once a day for the month of December.
Additional Decks used: Life Purpose deck by Doreen Virtue, Archangel Raphael Healing Deck by Doreen Virtue, and The Soul's Journey by James Van Praagh.
With Heart,
Jill Marie Chesrow