Cross of Truth Layout
Q: What is most important and beneficial for this group to be aware of for the month of August 2019?
A: Reversed King of Wands
Reversed 5 of Cups
Reversed Page of Pentacles
The Emperor
Ace of Wands
I'm going to start the reading with the last card which is the answer/outcome/advice card.
Why? Because this is what's driving you thins month. It is the Ace of Wands. All Aces represent New Beginnings.
How does being Inspired, Encouraged, Empowered and Excited feel for you?
This is the energy of "planting seeds for growth" and Initiating Creative Endeavors.
I'm not sure if it is Michael Bernard Beckwith or somebody else, who said: "We are either pushed by pain or pulled by Inspiration."
One isn't better than the other as far as judgement goes, but one sure does "feel" a lot better! At least in my personal experience.
Even if you don't read any further into this reading...please consider pondering these questions before you go:
- What inspires you?
- When/where do you feel empowered in your life?
- What Creative adventure is calling you?
- What excites you in life?
Okay let's look at the actual first card: Reversed King of Wands
Upright this is a card of Vision. Because it is reversed you want to look at if you have a Guiding Vision for your life.
If you already have one...does it still feel correct for you?
Is there any tweaking necessary?
If you don't have one...are you willing to tune in and ask your Inner Wisdom what you would benefit from "seeing" at this point in your life?
Remember, it can be easier to move towards something than it can be to move away from something.
Moving away from something may have been the initial impulse and it has served you well...though at some point you are being asked to move towards something that fills the heart and soul.
The next card is the Reversed 5 of Cups.
Perfect message! When reversed this card is about moving on from mourning and/or regret.
For some it can also mean that it's time to deal with the feelings associated with mourning or regret.
As a Body Code practitioner and Intuitive Energy Healer...I am all about releasing the imbalances and trapped energy in the Energy Field.
AND...that can be sooooooooooo helpful, but honestly, for some, it can be a lot easier when there is a vision to move towards.
Don't worry if you don't currently feel like you have a Vision.
But do ask your Inner Wisdom to show you what it might look like and then pay attention to what the world shows you.
This is where knowing your Human Design Type and Strategy comes in very handy. Yes, it is a complicated system...Nursing School was easier for me!
But...even with all the info in Human Design...just knowing your Type and Strategy can be life changing.
You can get a free chart and a good free report from my teacher's website:
Though I have heard there might be some glitches with the link. If you want me to double check your Chart jut reply to this email with your:
Birth date: Month, Day, Year
Birth time: needs to be accurate
Place of Birth
I'll get your chart to you asap. Please be patient. Note though that I won't have access to the Free report that you get from the link above...and it really is insightful.
Back to the Reading...already in progress :)
The Helpful Energy card is: Reversed Page of Pentacles
This is a Card of: Interest
The Page of Pentacles is considered to represent a Creative Child.
Do you know how you can tap into your Creative Child?
If not, "play" is an amazing way to do so. Think back to what interested you when you were younger.
Doing that can lighten up your energy and allow you to engage some playful energy.
Life isn't always easy and not everybody had the best childhood. I want to fully acknowledge that. And if your childhood was's a virtual hug. You need to be seen, acknowledged and heard.
That is one of the reason's I think a great Therapist can be essential for so many. Especially one who is trained in Astrology as well.
If you are loaded with money at the moment...this lady sounds amazing!
And she charges quite the Premium Fee!
Length: Two Days – total of 8 to 12 hours
Cost: $2,500 per day
But for people that have the money easily available and really feel like they need that level of support...this may be an option to consider!
Otherwise this lady was trained by Debra and sounds awesome too.
(note...I don't know these people personally nor have I, or anybody I know, worked with them in that capacity, and these aren't affiliate links. So why am I sharing this information? I am very blessed to be an Intuitive Channel...and I share the resources I'm called to share. It is up to you to advocate for yourself and tune into your own Inner Wisdom so feel into what will best serve you. I'm just a messenger in many regards.)
Again, back to the reading:
There's a good chance you have been on a journey of deeper awareness for many years, so remember ~ Knowing what you know can give your Inner Child some love and allow her/him to feel safe and enter into some Creative Energy.
The Obstacle Card is The Emperor
This card is about Control, Rationalizing at the expense of feeling, being too rigid.
I'm not suggesting that Masculine Energy is "bad", we need both the Masculine (Logical) side of things and the Feminine (Creative) side. Sometimes we need one more than the other at any given time. And what really benefits us far more than balance is Harmony between the two, but I'm hoping you get the essence of what is being shown.
That brings us to the last card again.
The Ace of Wands is about Movement and Action...which is typically a more Masculine energy. But this reading is suggesting that the movement being called for at this time is actually a more Creative Flow energy.
You are being asked to not get stuck in your head or to try and control everything in your life...but instead to release control and Play in the Creative Energy.
It is from that state of being that your Vision can be seen more clearly and begin to organically unfold.
I'm a fan of using Intuitive Art, and Conscious Dance to move into the Creative Energy Flow and to begin receiving insight.
Your something creative and pay attention to what you are shown.
Then...after doing that and being in the Creative Flow...if you are still feeling a bit unsure...or you would like your Vision to unfold with more ease...
Consider scheduling a Mini Wholeness Session or Wholeness Journey for deeper insight.
You can do that here:
Or...check out the other links mentioned above :)
***Please Note: I am not currently seeing clients in person. All sessions will be done via Zoom or Free Conference Calling.
With Heart,
Jill Marie Chesrow