Q: What is most beneficial for this collective group to be aware of at this time?
A: We see the energy of well-being, replenishment and devotion. While it is always important to be self-accepting and nurturing this is extra essential at this time. Astrologically we are being given many opportunities to release and/or integrate "stuff" that no longer serves us.
We are often given this opportunity through our life journey and when we love and accept ourselves without judgment then it passes with much more ease. It is when we move into resistance and judgment that it can feel awful.
As a more specific example of what that might look like for you:
- Feeling overwhelmed
- Feeling unable or unwilling to keep things going
- Feeling like you are dropping the ball
- Feeling ineffective at time/project management
- Succumbing to extremes
Instead of judging yourself or trying even harder could you:
- Love and accept yourself for whatever you are feeling and experiencing?
- Ask for help or delegate something?
- If you are 'juggling" too much can you let something go for now?
What is completing in your life?
Is there anything that you have been attached to that you
know is done but you keep trying to make it work?
Do some reflecting on that and see what comes up for you.
I will speak for myself and say that Endings have always been hard for me. I am personally letting go of a business that I LOVE ~ Inner Alignment Mandalas. Because the energy vibration of that work is still very much alive within me...I am sad to let it go and tried to keep it going even after all the signs pointed to let it go...at least that expression of it. For me...I got attached to the way that energy was being expressed.
What I was not looking at was the Truth of what was happening. I was focusing on the parts and not the whole.
When we can let go and trust ~ it opens up a whole new world of possibility.
It is time to engage in life fully without despairing in its dramas. It is time to be at home within yourself and in the World. It is far easier to do that when you aren't holing on to stuff that no longer serves you.
Potential obstacles to be aware of:
- Perfectionism
- Intolerance for physical imperfection
- Intolerance for emotional messiness
Thankfully you are awakened enough to know that that is a temporary state and we are always at choice. As soon as you are ready...reach for that better feeling thought as Abraham - Hicks would say :)
Once you have moved through whatever comes up for you, you will notice a greater sense of well-being and relaxation in your life. Know that it is time to let in that Universal Loving Energy that surrounds you at all times...that energy is in, through and as you....sometimes it just feels a wee bit further away than your own Core Essence.
With Heart,
Jill Marie