Legacy Weaver Frequency Card Set Digital Version
Legacy Weaver
This set of 9 Legacy Weaver Frequency Cards and their Accompanying Messages support you in aligning with your Divine Purpose and expressing the Legacy Weaver Archetype.
Within your Energy Signature you carry the Codes for the Legacy Weaver Archetype.
You may or may not be consciously aware of this but know that you have been called to Weave Your Legacy of Light from the Ascension Matrix Grid into and onto the Planet, and into and onto the Ascension Matrix Grid itself as it continues to evolve and expand.
You have been activating, awakening, and amplifying the Ascension Codes for the Aquarian Age for many years and now is the time to deepen that work with the Legacy Weaver Codes of Light ~ if you feel the call.
You came with a unique set of Codes to assist Humanity at this time and The Guardians of Light, who oversee this work, have given us individual and collective Keys to unlock the next set of Codes.
How you are called to work with the Legacy Weaver Energy will be unique to you.
The only thing you are being asked to do is tune into your Higher Self to see if you feel guided to work with these Codes and Keys, and if so, to receive the Activation Codes carried within the Encoded Art and allow the Frequencies to support you.
Once you begin working with the Encoded Art Keys you begin opening the doors/portals that you are meant to walk through to assist Humanity, Gaia, and the Universe on the Ascension Journey.
If you have identified with being a Light Worker, Way Shower, Light Weaver, or something similar…tune in and see if Legacy Weaver Codes of Light are awakening, activating, or amplifying within you.
If so, I’m excited to share these Encoded Art Attunements and Messages with you as given by The Guardians of Light.
These Activation Keys assist you with connecting, aligning, embodying, integrating, grounding, and anchoring your Legacy Weaver Codes of Light as you fulfill your Soul’s Intention for the highest and greatest good of all those evolving on the Planet at this time…and beyond!
Digital Version Includes:
- PDF of the Nine 4 x 4 Legacy Weaver Images for you to Print
- PDF Message Booklet of the Legacy Weaver Encoded Art Messages
- PDF of Working with Encoded Art in General