Crystal Grid Monthly Healing Circle for: November 2019
Please Note you need to manually Change the Quantity for this Order to align with the Options Below.
What you Receive:with your Pay from the Heart Offering
For $5-50 Dollars: Daily Frequency Sessions and Image of the Grid
$51-75 Dollars: Daily Frequency Sessions, Image of the Grid, Plus a Weekly 3 Card Reading for the Group Energy sent to your Inbox.
$76-100 Dollars: Daily Frequency Sessions, Image of the Grid, Weekly 3 Card Reading for the Group Energy sent to your Inbox, Plus a Personal Oracle Card and/or Intuitive Message for you each week for the month of November.
$101 Dollars and Up: Daily Frequency Sessions, Image of the Grid, a Weekly 3 Card Reading for the Group Energy sent to your Inbox, a Personal Oracle Card and/or Intuitive Message for you each week for the month of November, and One Distant 15 minute Body Code/Emotion Code Session video taped and sent to your Inbox.
You can use the Button Below and Increase the Quantity Number to match what you are Paying from the Heart.
We Officially Begin November 4th, 2019 and go until November 30, 2019.
Please allow up to 24 Hours to receive the Image of your Grid via Email. This isn't automated...I'm doing this manually :) Thank you so much!